Soccer Senior Session at Olentangy Orange High School

Updated: Feb 20, 2022

What's great about custom senior portrait sessions is the ability to truly personalize them to reflect the interests and activities that the student loves. When you are captain of your high school soccer team, there's no better place for your senior pictures than your home stadium!

Olentangy Student Soccer Senior Session on the Bleachers

We started this session from the view of the crowd! I suppose it is ironic since she spent most of her time on the actual field, but nonetheless it was a fun place to begin. Those blue bleachers made the perfect backdrop to capture the school colors and school spirit of a star athlete in her uniform. We did a few poses with her soccer ball while sitting up there. I was thankful that the afternoon sun falls behind the home bleachers, so we didn't have to worry so much about the sun being in her eyes. I'm super picky about light, like most professional photographers, and I definitely don't want my seniors to squint!

Olentangy Orange Soccer Goal Senior Pictures

Next, we headed down the to the field for a few photos on her home turf! Believe it or not, this was a BUSY day at Olentangy Orange stadium, and it was actually packed! I am very careful when framing shots to make them as focused as possible on the senior, and keep distracting elements out of the way (such as the hundreds of other students on site). See, it was team sports photo day at the high school, so every team was fully present ready for their team shots. But we found our own little spots away from the craziness around us so that we could keep this experience all about her!

Anyway, when you spend so much time focused on the goal - either getting the soccer ball in or keeping it out - it only makes sense to have some fun with it during your senior session. I also love the scoreboard behind the goal. It leaves a subtle reminder of where she attended school - Olentangy Orange High School - and where the wins were documented for fans! Here we used the net from the goal for some more serious and creative shots, but also a few that really demonstrate the joy she gets from the game. Sidenote: I would be so intimidated to be the other team! The intensity!

Sports Senior Photos - Action Shots on the Field

This right here is truly a highlight of what her senior experience included. These are the type of photos she will be able to look back on one day, no matter how much soccer is or isn't a a part of her life at that time, and remember just how good she was and how much she enjoyed the sport at this time. Often action shots are taken by various photographers or friends during the game, but doing something like this during your senior session is totally different. There is no one else around, the focus is totally on you. I loved being on the field at Olentangy Orange to watch this talented player juggle the ball and dribble it down the field.

Looking to highlight your senior doing what they love most? This is what we do! Our sessions are fully customized to show off your senior just how they want to be seen. If you want the best for your senior, you are in the right place.

Want to see some other sports-inspired senior sessions? Check out Worthington Christian senior's tennis session! Or this Olentangy student's gymnastics senior session!