If working out tops your list of hobbies, you probably spend a lot of time in the gym. What better way to showcase your personality and interests than to actually go there for some senior pictures?!

Black and White Senior Pictures at the Gym
I almost always do full color senior photos, but there was something about these senior pictures at the gym that really called for black and white. When someone spends a lot of time in the gym, you really want to show off that muscle definition. The intensity of expressions really fit with black and white. Gavin obviously works hard when he is there, and I wanted to show that off!

Senior Pictures with Gym Equipment
Not all senior pictures at the gym need to be showing off working out. I wanted to sprinkle in some "regular" senior portraits but using the gym equipment as props or for posing. I also really liked that the equipment at this particular gym is the same as his school colors. Went great with his school tee shirt.

Senior Photos Lifting Weights
Obviously we had to do a few pictures where Gavin was actually lifting since that is something he spends time doing at the gym.

Senior Pictures Working Out
These Westerville South High School senior pictures show off the time he has spent in high school working out. I love that they are customized to his personality and interests!

If you are looking for a senior photography session that shows off your personal interests, get in touch so we can brainstorm a fun experience!