If anyone knows Luke, you know he is all about the shoes! We actually planned our session around which of his shoes he planned to wear, and it worked out really nicely. Luke chose two different locations which gave us a lot of options to get some variety in his final images in both a park-like setting as well as more of an urban look.

Westerville North Senior Photos at a Park
Luke wore a couple pairs of shoes at the park and changed his outfits to match. I think the images in the orange jersey were a favorite for everyone!

Showcasing the Shoes in Uptown Westerville Senior Photos
We headed into uptown for a couple more looks as we walked around the different color buildings and architecture.

I was incredibly impressed with how Luke runs his business of selling shoes. I had so many questions that he easily answered as we walked around the locations. But even with that, he is really laid back with a good sense of humor. He really does have both street smarts and book smarts. Congratulations, Luke!