Do you have a senior at Westerville North High School, Westerville Central High School, or Westerville South High School? If so, you are able to choose your own image to submit for their senior yearbook portrait! With deadlines and information everywhere for senior year, we've made it easy to find the details you need for everything about senior pictures! If you still need a photographer, we can help! Let's talk!
Scroll to find details about the senior portrait yearbook submission at your Westerville high school.
Westerville North Senior Photo Yearbook Deadline
The graphic below summarizes information for senior picture yearbook submission. Always check with your school for changes and additional information.
Main point to note is the yearbook submission deadline of MARCH 15, 2023! You are going to want to have your photo session completed by sometime in February to meet this deadline, and we recommend planning ahead to allow for potential snow emergencies / weather reschedules this time of year.

Westerville South High School Yearbook Deadline for Senior Picture
We put together a graphic of information for senior photo yearbook submission. Always check with your school for confirmation and any potential changes.
You will see that the deadline for submitting a senior picture for the WSHS yearbook is APRIL 30, 2023! We recommend your session take place no later than the first week or two of April to ensure you have a fully-edited, high-resolution image of your choosing back in time for yearbook submission. Again, I recommend scheduling earlier (February or March) in case of snow or rain.

Westerville Central High School Yearbook Deadline for Senior Portrait
Below is a cheat sheet for senior photo yearbook submission at Westerville Central. Please follow direction from your school regarding changes and updates to this process and timeline.
The deadline to submit senior photos for the yearbook is APRIL 3, 2023! In order to meet this deadline, we recommend your session take place by mid-March if not sooner. This time of year the weather in Ohio can be unpredictable and it is best if you plan ahead in case your session falls on a day it is going to be below 0 degrees and you need to reschedule!

Looking for inspiration for your own senior session? Follow the tags to view other sessions from these high schools, or scroll through our blog for tips & advice. If you still need photos to meet these deadlines, view more information about the amazing experience we offer here! Then get in touch and let us plan something perfect for your senior!